Rose Kelley, MHA

As the CEO, Founder, and Patient Advocate at Lifeline Patient Advocates, LLC, I bring a unique combination of expertise and passion to empowering patients and their families to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system with confidence and ease. With a robust background in nursing and healthcare administration, I am dedicated to providing personalized support and advocacy to ensure that patients receive the highest quality care and attention.

I hold a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Colorado State University, which, combined with over 10 years of healthcare experience, provides a strong foundation for my advocacy work. I have worked in a variety of healthcare settings, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my role. My diverse background includes roles in:

• Hospitals for Acute Care
• Specialty Hospitals for Cardiac Care
• Orthopedic Surgical Hospitals
• Hospitals for Mental Health and Addiction
• Long-term Care (Nursing Home)
• Diagnostic Imaging Centers
• Specialty Pharmacies

My extensive experience across these varied settings has given me a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by patients in different healthcare environments. My commitment to patient advocacy is rooted in my belief that every individual deserves to navigate the healthcare system with dignity, respect, and the highest quality of care.

At Lifeline Patient Advocates, I leverage my expertise to provide personalized advocacy services, guiding patients and their families through medical advocacy, chronic disease management, hospital bedside advocacy, transition of care and placement, senior care advocacy, end of life planning, mental health advocacy, and insurance claims advocacy. My goal is to empower individuals to thrive, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Why Use a Patient Advocate?

My Personal Story…

In 2021, my brother-in-law’s long-standing struggle with diverticulitis worsened, prompting him to seek medical attention at a nearby hospital. However, he was forced to wait days before undergoing surgery. By the time he received treatment, his condition had deteriorated, and he was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) on a ventilator. As I was living miles away, I contacted the hospital to get updates on his status. The doctor on duty informed me that my brother-in-law’s condition was critical, and that he would likely pass away that night. He also mentioned that someone needed to make decisions on his behalf, as he didn’t have a spouse or children to do so.

His closest sibling was his older brother, who was living with him, but due to COVID-19 concerns, the older brother was reluctant to visit the hospital. My husband and I made the three-hour drive to the hospital, where we were met with the gravity of my brother-in-law’s condition. The staff advised us to consider stopping his care management, citing poor vital signs. However, I refused to give up hope. Despite the dire prognosis, I believed my brother-in-law was fighting for his life and wanted me to fight for him as well.

I insisted that the hospital staff continue his care management and keep him on full code (meaning that if his heart stopped beating or if he stopped breathing, all resuscitation procedures would be performed to keep him alive). The hospital was quick to consider pulling the plug, but I held onto hope. My brother-in-law held on for ten more days before passing away.

This experience was a stark reminder of the critical role a patient advocate can play in such situations. Having someone who can communicate effectively with healthcare providers, understand medical terminologies, and advocate for the patient’s wishes can make a significant difference. My brother-in-law’s ordeal highlighted the necessity of having a dedicated advocate to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, especially in times of crisis. It inspired me to become a patient advocate, ensuring that no family has to face such challenging circumstances alone and that every individual receives the dignified care they deserve.

Mental Health Advocacy – Fighting For Patient Rights

As I pursued my graduate studies, I was fortunate to secure an administrative internship at a behavioral health hospital. This experience not only deepened my understanding of the hospital’s Quality Program, which focused on incident reports and patient safety, but also gave me a unique perspective on the emotional and socioeconomic factors that affect patient safety within mental health and substance abuse facilities.

Listening to patients’ concerns and those of their families, I gained a profound appreciation for the importance of mental health advocacy. This experience transformed my professional obligation into a personal commitment to ensure that every individual who walked through the facility’s doors received high-quality care that respected and upheld their fundamental rights and dignity without compromise.

With this newfound passion, I set out to create an environment where patients felt safe, valued, and empowered in their journey towards healing and recovery. I aimed to foster a culture of compassion, understanding, and respect, where individuals could receive the support they needed to thrive.

This commitment to mental health advocacy is at the heart of my work with Lifeline Patient Advocates. By providing personalized advocacy services, I strive to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, ensuring that patients’ voices are heard and their needs are met. My goal is to empower individuals and their families, offering guidance and support through the complexities of the mental health care system. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone receives the dignified and comprehensive care they deserve.

Why I Became A Patient Advocate?

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the pivotal moments that inspired me to become a Patient Advocate. Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles that patients and their families encounter while navigating complex medical, financial, and care-related decisions. These experiences have shaped my commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need.

One of the most significant influences on my journey was the experience of caring for a loved one who was struggling with a serious health condition. Watching them navigate the complexities of the healthcare system, often feeling overwhelmed and unsupported, was a profound wake-up call. It was clear that they needed a trusted advocate to help them navigate the system and ensure they received the respect, care, and assistance they deserved.

My professional journey has taken me through various healthcare settings, including acute care hospitals, specialty hospitals, mental health facilities, nursing homes, diagnostic imaging centers, and specialty pharmacies. Through these experiences, I have seen the gaps in care and communication that often leave patients feeling overwhelmed and unsupported. I have witnessed patients being discharged without adequate support, struggling to navigate complex healthcare systems, and lacking the resources to make informed decisions about their care.

In addition to my professional experience, I hold a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration from Colorado State University. This education, combined with my extensive healthcare background, provides a solid foundation for my advocacy work. I understand the intricacies of the healthcare system and am well-equipped to support patients in navigating these complexities.

These experiences have profoundly impacted my perspective and purpose. I realized that there was a critical need for dedicated advocacy to ensure that patients receive the respect, care, and assistance they deserve. As a Patient Advocate, I am committed to empowering patients and their families to navigate the complexities of the healthcare system with confidence and dignity.

I strive to provide compassionate support, expert guidance, and tireless advocacy to ensure that every patient receives the high-quality care they deserve. Whether it’s assisting with medical appointments, coordinating long-term care, or helping with insurance claims, I am here to help. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients, ensuring they receive the care and support they need.

If you or a loved one needs assistance navigating the healthcare system, please reach out. Let’s work together to ensure the best possible care and support for all patients.

Patient Advocacy Is My Passion!

Let me be your lifeline and advocate for your patient rights. I will be by your side every step of the way!